Abandoned & Historic Sites
If you've ever passed through an old ghost town, looked up at the ancient ruins of Native Americans, had the desire to climb down into a missile silo, or just like checking out things off the beaten path, then you should enjoy the 92 abandoned and historic sites on this page. Below are four categories. Once you pick a category, you'll be able to easily access a full history and informational page complete with pictures and a map of some of the great abandoned sites that Arizona has to offer!
Ghost Towns & Mining Camps
Of the numerous ghost towns and camps throughout Arizona, we feature 44 specific sites including: DeSoto Mine, Oatman, Swansea, Tip Top Mine, Tombstone, & Vulture Mine.
Whether it’s an abandoned cabin or trail-side monument, the state is full of random historic sites. 29 sites including old stage stops, desert dwellings, and schoolhouses are featured.
Natural & Scenic Sites
From national monuments to natural areas scattered around the state, this category features 10 historic sites including Lava River Cave, Tuzigoot N.M., and Meteor Crater.
Cities & Towns
Abandoned sites aren’t the only interesting parts of Arizona’s history. Many spots can be found in & around current population centers. 9 sites featured include Wickenburg, Bouse, Sedona, and Flagstaff.